Sunday, February 9, 2020

💋Love is in the air!!💋

C r e d i t s
Skin and Shape: [theSkinnery] Ginny (LeLutkaEvolution) - UBER
Body: [theSkinnery] LegacyAppliers & BellyButtonAddon
Izzie's - LeLutka/Genus - Valentine's Cheek Hearts (darker) - BOM
Hair: Wasabi // Prisha Mesh Hair 
.miss chelsea. mira top trio - FREE - Valentines Shop & Hop
Blueberry - Unbothered - Pants - Classic Version 
:::ChicChica::: Ipek Golden 
e.marie // Cora Choker - Cora Valentines Vibes Accessories

♡only 75L$ each during The Saturday Sale ♡ 16 color options included ♡ unrigged | copy)
(Yummy) Quartz Charm Necklace - Gold
[Merak] - Sweet Love (hold) - Cupid Inc.
[Merak]  - Bag of Hearts (hold) -  Cupid Inc.
Amor de Noche - Love Shine - The Bearded Guy - Gacha - The Liaison Collaborative

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