Friday, February 14, 2020

🌷I am a good girl!!🌷

C r e d i t s
Skin and Shape: [theSkinnery] Ginny (LeLutkaEvolution) - UBER
Body: [theSkinnery] LegacyAppliers & BellyButtonAddon
Hair: Foxy - Cupid. - K9
Astralia - Anthem New!!
Astralia Clothing - Jessie hoodie 
Astralia Clothing - Jessie shorts
:::ChicChica::: Ipek earrings
EVIE - Delicious - Rose - (Rose - 14 Rose Colors - Hold Bento Pose and Mout) - Equal10 New!!
hive // sweet plushies . plain heart unicorn -  cupid inc event

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