C r e d i t s
Skin: (Enfer Sombre*) Genus Skin applier - Peach Tone - Marian
Hair: Sintiklia Hair Trinity - After Paripi Fair
[CoD!] "Paripi" Sweater & Skirt - After Paripi Fair
And this beautiful look is at the fair After Paripi Fair, take the opportunity to visit the fair and enjoy the items of the creators in this very cool event.
RING: Ama. : POP! Rings
Astralia x Hello Kitty - 45th anniversary balloon GIFT
Astralia x Hello Kitty - Ice cream (holdable) add
Have fun in this beautiful and cute yes created by Astralia to celebrate the birthday of our dear Hello Kitty. You go through the cart game and winning 5 pieces of cake, you get a beautiful sweet cotton. This balloon is free and the ice cream costs 50 L, there are also clothes, accessories, decoration and more. Have a good time!
Hello Kitty Brazil