Tuesday, August 6, 2019

🐶 You're late for our tour! 🐶

 C r e d i t s
Hair: Wasabi // River Mesh Hair - Uber
Gaia - Siren Corset Top FULLPACK - Level Event
Addams // Zury Ripped Jeans with Gem Belt 
Shoes: [BREATHE]-Miako Heels-M.Lara ([BREATHE]-Miako & Mimiko. Mimiko Heels are the Rare and they come with a color change HUD (21 colors). Miako Heels are the Common and they come with a HUD for leg wrap (18 colors). Available Sizes: Maitreya Lara, Slink, Belleza
- 17 common prizes - 2 Rare Prizes - HUD Options (sole, straps etc) - 100% Original Mesh)
[DDL] Wannabe (Colorful)
 JIAN Playful Pibbles 5. Blue Companion Pup - Gacha
JIAN Glam Greyhounds 4. Companion Pup Black - Gacha

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