Thursday, August 15, 2019

⚡School of Magic!⚡

 C r e d i t s
Skin and Shape: Lefort by Revoul.Camilla Genus Applier in Tone 6 - Collabor88
REVOUL - Temptation Hairbase - Uber
REVOUL - Temptation Hair Buns - Uber
REVOUL - Hot Girl Starter Pack / Genus Catwa Lelu OMEGA (freckles and mixed beauty marks along with birthmarks and highlighters) - Uber
HORNTAIL - [RARE]  Maku - Gacha - Epiphany
LovelyAlien Cute Courier - Candy and LovelyAlien Cute Courier - Cloud (Cute Courier - Animesh Pet ) - Gacha - ( Video Here - A quick preview of what this little guy looks like in action.)

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