Thursday, July 4, 2019

👼Angels of the Guard also deserve summer holidays!👼

 C r e d i t s
Hair: Tableau Vivant \\ Zephyr hair - Summerfest'19
Schadenfreude  Angel Inner Tube, float
Schadenfreude Angel Inflatable Cupholder, floating can
Schadenfreude Angel Inflatable Cupholder, static can
Schadenfreude Skull Inflatable Pool
JIAN Glam Greyhounds 4. Companion Pup Black
dust bunny . beach day . towel tote . boxed - Summerfest'19
Disorderly+ Moon Amore/Daisy Dream/ Daisy Hat / BLUE
NOMAD // Bohemian Beach Set
STUN - Pose Pack Collection Bento 'Pabllo' #102 (5) - Level Event

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