Tuesday, March 12, 2019

🍫 is always a break in studies!!🍫

LAQ Bento - Ivy 3.07- FAIR 2019
HAIR: Sintiklia Ariana Fitted - Fameshed
UNA.  Luna Fatpack (♦ For maitreya body ♦ Per rack With : outfit, Spectrum glasses, and magazine, the magazine is objet whit pose. ♦Fatpack whit: Outfit, Bag and outfit (not linked), extracolors for jaket, skirt, bag, glasses and magazines!, and a magic wand!.)
SHOES: fri. - Sarah.Janes (Rose) 
 fri.- Moto Purse (Coal)
The highlight of this decoration is the .random.Matter. - Study Break (The Study Break set includes: Textbook, Detonating Delights, Jelly Beans & Praline Polliwogs.)

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