Friday, December 14, 2018

🍪Christmas cookies!🍪

HEAD: GENUS Project - Genus Bento head
SHAPE: Lefort by Revoul. Alaiah Genus
SKIN: Lefort by Revoul. Alaiah Genus Applier in RE15
SKIN BODY: Lefort by Revoul. - V4.0 Body Applier Tones
BODY: Maitreya – Mesh Body
SEmotion Libellune Oh Deer Sweater Suit Red
SEmotion Libellune Scandinavian Hat Red
(Scandinavian Sweater Suits and Pompom Hats in 100% orignal mesh and rendered textures available in 6 colors and 2 styles. The item includes bento and non bento version of skirt and hat.
Yeah! It moves! Try to see how realistically your clothes match your movements!)
SHOES: [Gos] Frenchie Knit Boots - Materials - Gacha Rare  Epiphany
.SugarBun. Snowman Cone - snowbound Hunt
.SugarBun. Xmas Lights Cookie - snowbound Hunt
AsteroidBox. Body Lights - Mait - Yellow Light - Gacha Rare  Epiphany
Ty ♥

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