Saturday, November 24, 2018


HEAD: .LeLutka. Simone 3.3
BODYMaitreya – Mesh Body
SKIN:  [theSkinnery] Jerry (LeLutka Applier) - Coll88
EARS: ..random.Matter. - Kyoya Ears 
HAIR: #Foxy - Luxe. - N°21
TETRA - Sabina blouse - Maitreya (loose) - Coll88
TETRA- Skinny zip capris 
.random.Matter. - Woojin Choker - Gold
.random.Matter.  - Woojin Earrings - Gold
"No. 59 "  Wine set Chardonnay - (Wine set pino noir, Exclusive for Ultra Events  
Touch the bottle wear the wineglas, say cheers in the chat, the avatar raises the wineglass and toasted the other.)
Ty ♥

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