Thursday, February 15, 2018

🌳 My backyard! 🌳

LB OrangeTree.v2{Animated}4Seasons (π˜“π˜ͺ𝘡𝘡𝘭𝘦 π˜‰π˜³π˜’π˜―π˜€π˜©  orange treev2, The gorgeous Orange Tree  100% with realistic textures and comes animated with a choice of 4 seasons via an easy to use menu. Both copy/mod with a default LI of just 5Li but can be resized to suit your needs.)
LB FluffyGrass{Mesh}
LB WildGrass*1Li{Dry}*Animated
--ANHELO-M41RR-179GA :: restroom
--ANHELO-M41WM-179GA :: washing machine
--ANHELO-M41WF-179GA :: water fauset
--ANHELO-M46BI-182GA :: misty London morning (bike)
--ANHELO-M46FE-182GA :: misty London morning (fence)
JIAN Curious Kitties :: Gacha Garden Birthday Present
JIAN Chicken Collection :: Wanderer (Rez me!)
JIAN Sheep Feeder Trough :: Feeding Sheep
JIAN :: Held Ferret (Wear/Add me!)
*Funky*Junk* Clothes Line - With Clothes
Ty ♥

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