Saturday, December 23, 2017

🎁 Essential Gifts!! 🎁

HEAD: LAQ Bento - Motion Capture - Neve
HAIR: *ARGRACE* Santa Hat / Women - Baby Blonde - *Old Gift
CAP, SHIRT, CHOKER ADN SHOES: Hazy. Sweety SantA - Gacha
[Krescendo] The Grotto - 5 - (C/M) →(If you don't know what Pocket Gacha is, find out more here -
MESH INDIA - Winter Snow Tree 1→ (MI Stag and Doe Winter Party is release in Winter Wonderland part of December Deco(c)rate event 
Deco(c)rate is a monthly mystery box filled with high quality, original mesh decor, home and garden items. Deco(c)rate will deliver 15 quality semi-exclusive items from SL’s best home, garden & deco designers directly to your inventory every month.)
[Krescendo] The Grotto - 5 
[Krescendo] The Grotto - 8 
[Krescendo] The Grotto - 9 
[Krescendo] The Grotto - 10  
[Krescendo] The Grotto - 12  
[Krescendo] The Grotto - 14 
[Krescendo] The Grotto - 15  
[Krescendo] The Grotto - 16 
MI Winter Frost Decor
01 MI Snow Basket with Ball 
02 MI Snow Glitter with Ball 
04 MI Snow Board with Shooting Star
MI Winter Snow Tree 1 Deco(c)rate 
[Krescendo] The Grotto - RARE 1 
[Krescendo] The Grotto - 4 
[Krescendo] The Grotto - 11 

[Krescendo] The Grotto - 18
MI Winter Snow Doe - Deco(c)rate 
MI Stag and Doe - Deco(c)rate 
06 MI Snow Glitter Tree [10 LI] RARE
03 MI Snow Glitter with Tree [4 LI]

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