Wednesday, May 18, 2016

☎ HELLO! ☎

BLOG arrumada.jpg

HAIR: Magika - Fool for Love

Parker short,Top and Parker skirt : Petite Mort 

*Parker Outfit NEW @ Tres Chic  May 17th-June 10th

Parker Shirt
Parker Knit Halter Top
Parker Denim Skirt with BeltShirt, Top and Skirt are available in 5 colors/Slink Physique & Hourglass/Classic/mesh

SHOES: JamBee  - Lucia Strapped Stilettos ( Hud 11 colors/ where you can customize the shoe with the front color, back, tip, all, sole and metals) - *Epicene


NECKLACE: !IT! - Laudine Necklace and earring  - SET 6( Hud resizable and customize 10 metal options, 11 gem colors,11 x 2 beads colors versions - *SWANK EVENTS

HARNESS: phedora. Ivy harness - * The Dark Style Fair 3 

POSE: LW - Urban chic 3 - ( props included  cigarette and iPhone6, Right and Left options)





Ty ♥

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