BODY: Lara Mesh Body – Maitreya
APLIER HEAD: [theSkinnery] Dunya (LeLutka Applier) champagne
HAIR: -LaViere- Daisy/PaleBlonde – (*50L)
TOP: :::KC::: –Straps Print Top - *Marketplace
PANTS: .:MMC:. Norah Pants {Hud 15 Styles Pants \ Hud 13 Belts Options,♛ Fitmesh For : Maitreya Lara - Belleza (Venus,Isis,Freya) - The Mesh Project - Slink (Hourglass,Physique) - Standard Mesh Included (XXS,XS,S,M,L)}
SHOES: Petite Mort - Crm/gld studded flat - *Dreams Gacha( April 6th and runs til April 28th/Belleza and Slink flat sizes as well as gold and silver stud hardware.3 RARES black, leopard, floral,11 COMMONS)
GLASSES: [Z O O M] A.Romeo Sunglass - *Sir Monthly
SEPTUM: [Z O O M] Osis Septum [ADD] – * The Chapter Four
PHONE: Le Coq D'or - yummy phone {2} RARE (Gacha) - *The Showroom
POSE: [evoLove] - On The Road No1&2

Ty ♥