BODY: Slink Physique Mesh Body V2.9.1
HEAD: Slink Visage Mesh Head – Emma V2.3
APLIER HEAD: ItGirls - Slink Visage Applier - Summer - B
HAIR: [e] Rayne
DRESS: Petite Mort- Jet Anne dress PHYSIQUE - *Black Fashion Fair (Anne corset dress 6 colors/includes classic and fitted mesh for Slink, Belleza, Maitreya/c/nm/nt/ )
SHOES: -KC- EXODUS HEELS / PAIR - *Marketplace
NECKLACE: {Chemical Princess} Moonlight Collar Black
RING: !IT! - Enchanted Roses Ring - *Gift *SWANK Event
POSE: – [evoLove] Pin Up nº1 and nº2 (cushion included) – Available at *The Collectors

TY ♥