BODY: Lara Mesh Body β Maitreya
LIPISTICK: βGlitzz Store - UtraMatte - Autumn Collection Hud Lelutka(UltraMatte Lipstic
Pack whith 6 color
12 different options for use
(6 lipstick only + 6 Lipstick whith beauty mark)
Applier for Lelutka - Catwa - Logo (omega) - Genesis
This item not included option for classical avatar.) *Exclusive for Skin Fair
Pack whith 6 color
12 different options for use
(6 lipstick only + 6 Lipstick whith beauty mark)
Applier for Lelutka - Catwa - Logo (omega) - Genesis
This item not included option for classical avatar.) *Exclusive for Skin Fair
HAIR: Lamb. True Love Waits
DRESS: RAYNE Chance, cream - *Inspiration SL event (March, 20th, the event opens at 8 AM SLT. April 10th, the event closes at 8 AM SLT.)
SHOES: RAYNE Lambkin Wedge Slink, brown - *Inspiration SL event (March, 20th, the event opens at 8 AM SLT. April 10th, the event closes at 8 AM SLT.)
NECKLACE: !IT! - Shania Necklace - *Inspiration SL event (March, 20th, the event opens at 8 AM SLT. April 10th, the event closes at 8 AM SLT.)
RINGS: ieQED β persephone.ring.set.gold
POSE: {Studio 15} Peaceful Elegance w/Clutch -*Group Gift April
